
Gorgeous home grown barley!

Our malts are made from our own home grown barley so we can control the entire process, from seed to brewery. We grow, harvest, store, malt, package and deliver our product right to your brewery for a truly local experience. We are always developing new products in our custom built SGK malting drum, take a look below to see what's available!

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Our Malts

Pilsner Malt

Our Lightest 2-row brewer's malt imparts a light golden hue to your beer.  This lightly kilned malt has a sweet malt aroma and light malt flavor.

Color:1.8 SRM

Moisture: 4.0%

Extract: 81%

DP:135 (L)

Pale Malt

Our most popular and versatile lightly kilned malt adds a golden hue to your beer.  It imparts a light bready aroma with a notable malt flavor.

Color:  2.3 SRM

Moisture:  4.0%

Extract:  80%

DP:  144 (L)

Pale Ale

This malt blurs the line between base and specialty.  While carrying plenty of enzymes, it also has a deep malty taste that will leave you wanting more.  

Color:  3.5 srm

Moisture: 3.0%

Extract:  82.7%

DP:  92


Our medium kilned malt lends a copper color to your beer with notes of biscuit and lightly toasted bread.

Color: 7 SRM

Moisture: 2.4%

Extract: 80%

DP: 75 (L)

Munich 10 Malt

Our medium-heavy kilned malt imparts a light amber color to your beer.  It has a strong bready aroma with some notes of biscuit complimenting a light roasted malt flavor.  

Color:  10 SRM

Moisture:  2.4%

Extract:  77% 

DP:  26 (L)

Munich 30 malt

This malt is kilned at a slightly higher temperature than the Munich 10, developing more color and aroma. Look for a noticeable increase in color and toasty flavor from this malt.

Color: 30 SRM

Moisture: 1.5%

Extract: 73.5%


This caramel malt lends a slightly sweeter taste to your beer while keeping the color nice and light. 

Color:  2.6 srm

Moisture:  4.0%

Extract:  81.3%

DP:  122 

Wheat Malt

Our Malted Wheat is grown right here on our farm, and lends a soft, crisp flavor to beer while adding body and haziness.  Try some today!

Color:  2.5 SRM

Moisture:  4.8% 

Extract:  85% 

Corn Malt

This malted Maize can be a substitute for flaked corn, adding body and a little color to a light beer. 

Color:  2.82 SRM

Moisture:  4.8%

Extract:  72.7%

DP:  20 (L) 

Rye Malt

Our rye malt is grown, malted and packaged right here on our farm! This is a great adjunct malt for rye beers or rye whiskey, try some today!

A special thanks goes to our first customer, homebrewer Mike Heilman for using our 100% Ohio Grown Malt!
"You need more hops!"

-Graham, our 7 year old son

Pick up our local malt by the pound at:

Barley  Winter 2-row malting barley, Non GMO

Wheat Soft Red Winter Wheat, Non GMO

Corn: Our Estate grown, Non GMO corn.

We’ll care for you!

Call us at 614-328-6771 or contact us for your free quote.
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